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Year 11 - Health and Human Development - Ms. Dell's class: Unit 1-AOS 1 - Perspectives & Influences


Health perspectives and influences

This area of study takes a broad, multidimensional approach to health and wellbeing. Such an approach acknowledges that defining and measuring these concepts is complicated by a diversity of social and cultural contexts. Students consider the influence of age, culture, religion, gender and socioeconomic status on perceptions of and priorities relating to health and wellbeing. They look at measurable indicators of population health, and at data reflecting the health status of Australians. With a focus on youth, students enquire into reasons for variations and inequalities in health status, including sociocultural factors that contribute to variations in health behaviours. 

Outcome 1

On completion of this unit the student should be able to explain multiple dimensions of health and wellbeing, explain indicators used to measure health status and analyse factors that contribute to variations in health status of youth. To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 1.

Key knowledge

  • various definitions of health and wellbeing, including physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions
  • youth perspectives on the meaning and importance of health and wellbeing
  • variations in perspectives of and priorities relating to health and wellbeing, according to age, culture, religion, gender and socioeconomic status
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives on health and wellbeing
  • indicators used to measure the health status of Australians, including incidence and prevalence of health conditions, morbidity, rates of hospitalisation, burden of disease, mortality, life expectancy, core activity limitation, psychological distress and self-assessed health status​
  • the health status of Australia’s youth
  • sociocultural factors that contribute to variations in health behaviours and health status for youth such as peer group, family, housing, education, employment, income, and access to health information and support services (including through digital technologies).

Key skills

  • describe a range of influences on the perspectives and priorities of health and wellbeing
  • collect and analyse data relating to variations in youth attitudes and priorities regarding health and wellbeing
  • analyse various meanings of health and wellbeing
  • describe different dimensions of health and wellbeing
  • analyse the extent to which health status data reflects concepts of health and wellbeing
  • draw conclusions from health data about the health status of youth in Australia
  • explain a range of sociocultural factors that contribute to variations in the health status and health behaviours of Australia’s youth.

Course Materials

Mean Girls Video

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Textbook Chapter

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Headstart Worksheet

Powerpoint - Topic One

Worksheets - Topic One

Powerpoint - Topic Two

Measurements and Indicators of Health Status

Booklet - Topic Two

Measurements and Indicators of Health Status

Booklet - Topic Three

Sociocultural Factors Affecting Health Status

Powerpoint - Topic Three

Sociocultural Factors Affecting Health Status

Video - Topic 3, Powerpoint Slide 4 Video

Feral (wild) Russian child Oxana Malaya (dog child).MPG​

Booklet - Topic Four