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Year 08 - English - Caring for the Environment: Caring for the Environment

English Context

Caring for the Environment - Caring for Country

"The land is my mother. Like a human mother, the land gives us protection, enjoyment and provides our needs – economic, social and religious. We have a human relationship with the land: Mother, daughter, son. When the land is taken from us or destroyed, we feel hurt because we belong to the land and we are part of it."

Djinyini Gondarra

Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra OAM is a senior Yolngu elder, ceremonial lawman and clan leader of the Dhurili Nation of Northeast Arnhem Land. He lives in Galiwinku, Elcho Island in the NT.

You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.”

Jane Goodall

 Jane Goodall is considered the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, after 60 years studying the social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees. She is also inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, to improve the lives of people, animals and the environment.


National- State of the Environment 5 Year Report

Caring for the Environment - A selection of Novels in the Library

Local - Students working to combat Climate Change

Global- Dear Future Generations (Sorry)

National - Saving the Rock Wallaby

Victoria - Penguin chick born in Eden for the first time in 30 years holds hopes in re-establishing colony

Local - Bass Coast Conservationist works to improve our waterways

Local- Climate Change Resilience on the Bass Coast