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Year 12 - Health and Human Development - Miss Sly and Miss Dellamina's Classes: Unit 4: AOS 1 - Introducing Global Health & Human Development

Sustainable Development Goals

Area of Study 1: Health and wellbeing in a global context

This area of study looks at similarities and differences in major burdens of disease in low- , middle- and highincome countries, including Australia. Students investigate a range of factors that contribute to health inequalities and study the concepts of sustainability, human development and the Human Development Index to further their understanding of health in a global context. Students consider the global reach of product marketing and inquire into the effects of particular global trends on health and wellbeing.

Outcome 1

On completion of this unit the student should be able to analyse similarities and differences in health status and burden of disease globally and the factors that contribute to differences in health and wellbeing. To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 1.

Key knowledge

  • characteristics of high- , middle- and low-income countries
  • similarities and differences in health status and burden of disease in low- , middle- and high-income countries, including Australia
  • factors that contribute to similarities and differences in health status and burden of disease, including access to safe water; sanitation; poverty; inequality and discrimination (race, religion, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity); and global distribution and marketing of tobacco, alcohol and processed foods
  • the concept and dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, economic) and its role in the promotion of health and wellbeing 
  • the concept of human development, including advantages and limitations of the Human Development Index
  • implications for health and wellbeing of global trends including:
    • climate change (rising sea levels, changing weather patterns and more extreme weather events)
    • conflict and mass migration
    • increased world trade and tourism
    • digital technologies that enable increased knowledge sharing.

Key skills

  • describe characteristics of high-, middle- and low-income countries
  • evaluate data to analyse similarities and differences between countries in relation to health status and burden of disease
  • analyse factors that contribute to health status and burden of disease in different countries and discuss their impact on health and wellbeing
  • compare health data and other information to analyse reasons for health inequalities within and between nations
  • explain sustainability (environmental, social, economic) and its importance in the promotion of health and wellbeing in a global context
  • explain the Human Development Index and evaluate its usefulness in measuring human development of countries
  • analyse the implications for health and wellbeing of particular global trends.


The Miniature Earth Project

Teenage Affluenza

Dollar Street

Health Inequities and their Causes

Poor vs Rich

Special report : Inside the Congo cobalt mines that exploit children

The Least and Most Dangerous Countries to be a Newborn

Australia's Food Insecurity

Jenny Brockie takes a look at why people are suffering from more food insecurities

Social Sustainability

Gender Equality

Fair Working Conditions

Economic Sustainability


Global Trends

Climate Change: Brides of the Sun

Climate Change: Storm Surges

Climate Change: Cyclones

Mass Migration

Early Marriage

Digital Technologies