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VCE Psychology Resources: Concepts of Psychology Part 2 Videos


Correlation and Causation

A simple exercise demonstrates why correlation does not show cause. The title also examines confounding variables and why they must be taken into account when examining correlation.

Experimental Methods: A Case Study

This title teaches students about the experimental methods that psychologist's use to gain evidence. Through an examination of Loftus and Palmer's experiments on witness testimony, students will gain an insight into experimental methodology.

Use of Animals in Research

Animals have contributed to a lot of scientific advancements, but how ethical is it to use them in research? This title discusses the legality and ethical issues concerning the use of animals in research, and asks students to consider whether the use of animals is justified.



Looking at Reductionism

When facing complex issues, psychologists often break them down into their component parts, and then identify a key cause. This approach is called reductionism, and this title explores the advantages and disadvantages of reductionism. Students are given a case study and asked to examine the utility of a reductionist approach.

Reliability and Validity

The concepts of reliability and validity are demonstrated by a simple exercise. Students learn about the importance of consistency and interpreting data in a relevant manner, when conducting experiments.


Science and Psychology

Is psychology a science? Students will learn what science is and the ways in which psychology is both like and unlike a science. Two case studies are given to explore the different ways to approach psychology, and to help students formulate their own opinions

The Stroop Effect

Students replicate a repeated measure design experiment, called the Stroop Effect, to learn about how it helps control variables, such as individual difference.